The annual Hokianga Country Music Festival, was a screamer. 24 bands circulating around 5 venues, the historic Masonic Hotel in Rawene, Opononi Hall and pub, OmapereCopthorne and the pub in Kohukohu. The bars were bustling and the country was being flung far and wide into the darkness of the early morning. The line dancers showed their skills on the well worn carpet and the creaky old building stood up to the vibrations of the powerful PA system. A great time, although safe to say, I've experienced my fair share of country music for quite some time.....!
With 3.8 metres of base on the ground, Whakapapa ignited into a frenzied mass of skiers, boarders and various other people riding various other contraptions. First time ever have I strapped a snowboard to my hooves, I wanted to know what all the hype was about. Slipping down an icy slope at great speed always interested me, but people get so high off it and I needed to find out why. By the end of the day..........I was friggin high!!! Thank you snow. Thank you Whakapapa and by golly, thank you sunshine. I am a convert and sleep well dreaming of doing it a lot more often!!!
The curtains have closed on Winter. YEEHAA! Spirits are growing and the mood in the air is building. Am I getting too excited too early? Is my celebrating attitude going to turn around and bite me in the arse? Is God playing tricks on me, is he going to pull the rug from under me at the most inoportune moment? I bloody well hope not!!! I'm expecting good things, the box of beers and lazing in the park listening to some block rocking beats. Wallowing in the warm shallow waters in some out of the way bay, lined with pohutakawas blooming their rich red pin cushion like flowers, the smell of spf 50 swathed over my pastie wintered skin filling my nose and the long kind evenings allowing the impromptu bbq's to line the stomach with meaty goodness and gather with long lost hibernating friends. Now, Spring.......don't you go letting me down now, ya hear!!!