It's been seven years in the making, the bright white of the lunar surface is transformed into a blood red orb as the earth throws its shadow over the alien surface above. And so, the eclipse will lie dormant for another seven years until the perfect alignment of the orbiting spheres is re-enacted like so many times before.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Monday, 27 August 2007
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Lake Rotoiti, slung on the north west realms of Lake Rotorua, deep in the belly of the Bay of Plenty. The second most popular lake in New Zealand after Lake Taupo, its shores are strung with baches and jetties, boat sheds and 50's era pleasure vessels. It reeks of older times. The weatherboard dwellings are plastered with old family photos and drawers and cupboards overflow with battered cutlery, chipped plates and thick rimmed glasses and cups. Each room has the obligatory bunk bed and chest of drawers. The lounge has a splattering of couches, recliners and foot stools, while the rounded cream coloured fridge rattles in the corner. This is what makes New Zealand soo kiwi. Other countries have temples and castles, we have baches. Whether they served for fishing, skiing, beach or any other multitude of uses, they all have the cosy, comfy, come in, wipe your feet and play scrabble in front of the heater atmosphere. Hooraa for having a true kiwi cultural icon to call ours.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Damn you Facebook!!!!!!!
Friday, 10 August 2007
It's been a crazy few weeks, from grief to elation to positively weird. All is well and the weather has been fantastic. It seems the world has been overrun with facebook mayhem. It seems all and sundry are hooked. I'm slowly falling as well. If only time were endless! Hope you're all well. Kia kaha!
Friday, 3 August 2007
Finally A is firmly slotted into G! It's been a hectic couple of weeks both work and life in general. We've been basking of late in warm sunny weather, making life a lot less stressful on the job site. It seems latly, life has consisted of work, sleep, eat, work, sleep.....and so on. Although the last week saw me in Auckland for the majority of it, attending the funeral of Megan's Grandmother. It was a beautiful service, and may she pass in peace. Apologies to those in Auckland for not dropping in or letting ya know I was about, I'd dedicated myself to being with Megan and her family. So as the dusk slides in on the Friday and the impending weekend around the corner, I wish you all well and hope life is treating you fondly. Pictures etc should be back to normality from now on. Cheers.