Happy 21st bro. Sorry ya'll, will be back soon with update of haps.
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Early morning sees us watching the early Air New Zealand 767 bound for Auckland, taxi for take off. The sun is just poking its nose over The Sleeping Giant and life is kicked back into action as a new day dawns. My chance to see Fiji and its beauty from the skies aboard a Cessna 172 is about to begin. We take off and head south, were the sky is grey and watery. Hugging the coast at 500ft, we look for clear weather ahead, allowing us a passage to Kadavu resting off the south coast of Viti Levu. Without any blue visible through the murk, we turn about and follow the white line of the sea crashing onto the reef along the south-west coast.
Northward we set a course for the Mamanuca Group, nestled between the mainland and The Yasawas. Spotted with many of the popular Fiji resorts, the reef and islands create a mosaic of aquas, golden yellows and lush greens. The island above, Monuriki, was used in the film castaway. With no inhabitants, it beholds a true desert island feel.
Thanks Euin (Shemonkey) and Gerome for the opportunity to tag along with you guys. Cheers.
Nadi 12:55pm 28°C Humid
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Ow, my head hurts! And no, it wasn't from the all you can drink alcohol on South Sea Island, although that did contribute I'm sure. It was an inconspicuously low door. Well not that inconspicuous when the sign above the door stated, 'Mind Your Head'. I obviously didn't mind! Not even Ow!!!