Savuione Waterfall, situated in the Koroyanitu National Heritage Park, high above Lautoka perched in the highlands. A truly stunning place with amazing vistas of the valley and out to the islands. The weather went from clear blue sky to a heaving deluge within 20mins. The clouds fell off the highlands and swirled around the valley making for an interesting trek back to Abaca (pronounced 'Ambatha'), finishing up at the Vereni Falls which can be viewed from above on a Cave Creek style lookout. Definatly heading back for another visit soon.
Nadi 5:44pm 29°C Cloudy
Monday, 16 April 2007
It's official, the wettest rainy season in 25 years. Hoora!!!!
Nadi 5:10pm 27°C Cloudy
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Yesterday saw us trekking up a river inland looking for some, what turned out to be elusive, waterfalls. The walk was spectacular and the water refreshing to swim through as the jungle heat sapped every drop of moisture from each pore. The wildlife was plentiful with fish, frogs, prawns, worms, centipedes, spiders, bees, snails, mosquitos, goats and the odd native fishing from its banks. Ending up in the middle of nowhere, we come across an Indian lady with two young children, who invite us in to her home to rest with some juice. Working off the land growing what crops they can to sell at the market, their water dribbles from a well up the hill, light comes from the battery of their weary ute and everything else is from the thick jungle around them. A very humbling experience that makes you realise life is about what you have and not what you want to have. You make the best of what you've got and don't expect anything more, you have to earn it for yourself.
The weather is cooler now. The tourism seems to be picking up with more people bustling around the pool and bar here at the Skylodge. The rainy season seems to be disipating and it's time for those clear blue skies to increase and dry the sopping ground and give the drowning plants a time to prosper......finally.
Nadi 10:15am 25°C Sunny
Thursday, 12 April 2007
It's wonderful to be back in the tropics. The warmth, the humidity, the relaxed pace. Even in NZ on a brief visit, the body gets filled with the fast atmosphere. The need to be here and there and most places in between at the same time. Fiji is like eating a orange choc chip ice-cream, sitting under a Pohutakawa tree and looking over a white sandy coastal vista in that period stuck between Xmas and the New Year. Beautiful!
Nadi 2:08pm 26°C Raining
Monday, 9 April 2007
Home for easter and what a breath of fresh air to catch up with friends and family, all be it a bit short and apologies to those I missed. With the best of intentions, 4 days just ain't enough. Some time was spent up north with the folks and a night spent at Te Puru on the Coromandel. The bright sunny days leading into the shortening cooler dusk, and the mornings dawning with the crisp crunch under foot. The briskness of the air was relieving all be it a wee bit of a challenge to deal with due to my lack of planning on warm woolies! Thanks for the good times and can't wait to return home soon. Vinaka.
Te Puru 5:46pm 16°C Crisp and clear
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Homeward bound, well for six days anywho. Happy Easter ya'll.
Before I depart, with the extensive wads of tropical depressions coming the way of Fiji of late, why not have another one. However, this bad boy, cyclone cliff, has menaced itself into the realms of tropical cyclone hood. Luckily it seems to be drifting down the east side of the group, with reports of 60 knot winds and heavy rain. Prey it stays away and the poor souls lashed by so much so far this year come through unscathed.
Nadi 5:45pm 31°C Sunny / Little cloud
Monday, 2 April 2007
Thanks to the prophet Mohammed's Birthday, today is a holiday. Hallelujah!!!
Nadi 9:18am 26°C Sunny
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Happy April Fools day! May all your Tom foolery be successful and enjoyable.