Holy guacamole. It's March.....and a wee while since I threw up an update on my blog. It's been almost 2 weeks since my last confession. So what's been happening? The last week saw a little bit of a reality check and realisation kicked in, just how much I miss stuff at home. In all honesty, there ain't much to do here without spending wads of cash. To be honest, when the weekend does come around, you feel like doing little more than being as vegetative as possible and wearing away those weekday bumps and bruises. Last weekend though, I trekked inland via the Nausori Highlands. Now foolish me, I took my camera and the day was picture perfect for some great images, but I forgot to fuel up the beasties batteries. Soo high in the hills, overlooking Nadi Bay and the distant islands, I attempted to turn on the aforementioned device, and it plainly starred back at me and said, what?!?! Never mind. It's a short drive and I'll return soon to share with you all the delights of the islands innards!
Now onto work related news. The last few days have seen me and the boys transforming carnage into lushness. 10 Beetlenut Palms now line the main entry and two Royal Palms adorn the front lawn. However they gave me a bit of a fright as the began to lean after a thunderstorm took hold. These things aren't small, nor are they cheap, so a few expletives left my lips as we quickly managed to strop the palms upright again. With more storms looming tonight, I cross my fingers that they're still standing in the morning!

Other than that, being trying to keep active by hitting the squash court twice a week. Been playing some pretty full on games and struggle to survive. Not sure if it's the lack of stamina or the intense heat on the court, but by God it's fair near killed me a couple of times. Oh well, it's got to be good for ya huh.
Before I go, sending belated birthday wishes to my lil sister playing hard in Sydney town. The big 19 ticked over on Sunday. WOOHOO!!
Nadi 7:10pm 27°C Raining