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A fitting image on the eve of my departure from the maddening crowds and riffraff of city life. Depending on the conditions and prevailing technology, I will endeavour to upload images of the tropical paradise that is Fiji. Bula!!!
Thanks to Jon boy for the pic.
It's been a busy day getting in readiness for Fiji, less than 48 hours away! A huge battle to get broadband changed. Nothing an 1 hour and a half on the phone couldn't remedy! A busy day of packing tomorrow, wondering how many pairs of board shorts and how much sunscreen I need! Woohoo...till then...
Well, we've dodged the grey clouds and spitting, angry rain and been around the Auckland Zoo. Absolutely superb grounds and enclosures, far out doing most other zoos that I've visited. It's changed an awful lot since I was last there and the changes are continuing at a vigorous pace. Great to see the needs of the animals out weighing the entertainment value for the masses. (Yeah, I forgot to take my camera along for the ride! Next time....'argh')
The weather has definatly crapped itself, perfect timing for the Labour weekend festivities. But all said and done, it has been relaxing and quiet. Life has got better and Fiji is only 4 days away. With the sunshine shining bright and the aqua blue waters warm and inviting, my mind is slowly being taken away.....
Blackbird Cafe, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Harbour, Sydney.
It saddens me to have to write some negativity towards anybody on these pages, but this can't go unmentioned. On Friday 6th of October, my family and I were in Sydney with some friends looking for an eatery in which to enjoy the evening. We happened upon the Blackbird Cafe, it was busy, vibrant and had a good menu and atmosphere. We sat down at a comfortable table, had a drink and ordered. From then it went nasty. A bartender leaning over the table with a tray of beers lent a little to far and dropped the contents of 2 pints of beer on my Mum, drenching her pretty much all over. The bartender turned initially and blamed another customer for bumping him, but it was plan to see, he accidentally lent to far and the glasses slipped off the tray. With Mum sitting there, wet and smelling of beer, the staff (in numbers) quickly cleaned the mess with little concern with my Mum. No apology was offered, nor any assistance to the restroom to enable her to dry off. When told we were going to leave, we were offered a discount off the meal. However, under the circumstances, there was little reason to stay. Maybe this was offered only as the meals were ready and about to be served. With us leaving, the food would have gone to waste. On further thought we thought it only reasonable to be offered the food on the house since we had travelled so far to get there and pretty much destroyed the rest of the evening for all. Well that was a mistake. The owner approached and started clearing the table of food asking us in no uncertain terms, to leave and calling us cheapskates, along with blaming Mum for the situation. With a restaurant full of patrons and the cost to the owner a few hundred dollars, it would have seemed more appropriate to not cause a scene, but the next 10mins or so turned into a shouting match. Being accused of being cheapskates and being threatened after having 2 pints of beer poured over you is not on at anytime acceptable by anyone. On the positive side, the female manager offered Mum her top, but a small offering considering the abuse we received. I'm not one to complain normally but the customer service from this establishment was SHIT!!! The bartender/waiter was also fired on the spot and blamed on us, then asked if we were 'happy now' as if to make us feel guilty. A simple apology and offer of paying the bill there and then would have been enough to elevite the situation. I hope no one else has to deal with an arrogant, selfish and abusive person such as the owner of the Blackbird Cafe. Thanks for ruining what should have been a fun evening!
Labour weekend has landed, the supposed start to Summer and all things associated. But as usual, the skies are grey, the wind is chilly and there's nothing much else to do than go shopping. Plasma TV anyone!!!
After a week of 'ups', I've fallen into a week of 'downs'. After 13 years of quality service, my pride and joy, my motorised swivel base, picture in picture 29" tv has stopped. Alas, life may be restored. I've put the beast on Trade me and an early bidding war has begun. May the next week yield some positives. I truly hope so. Get well soon Megan....
As things have taken a turn for the worse, fortunatly or unfortunatly, it's time to bail these shores for a while. Off to Fiji next Friday. Yeehaa......'sniff'.
Isn't life strange. When you think white is white, but you find out it's actually black. When the thing you hold so dear to heart isn't what you thought. It's a tough thing to take and one I will never really understand. Life throws curve balls sometimes. Sometimes your eye is in and you can hit them out of the ground, other ones, you swing and miss and walk off wandering how or why. For whatever reason, one has passed me by. Life shall prevail! :o(
It's been a week of contrasts. Hot sunny days to bitterly cold wet ones. All that said, the Indian Festival held at Britomart, downtown of Auckland City, went without a hitch. Multi cultures combining as one to celebrate all that is Indian. Mmmm curry!
This, a native to New Zealand, the Pohutukawa is known as the 'Christmas Tree' of Aotearoa. Hence my surprise to find it in full flower in the early part of Spring. Although 99% of the larger trees, this being smaller and maybe a hybrid, are yet to bloom, it's a sign that our Winter has been mild and the Spring has begun in an appropriate fashion. Bring on the Summer!!!
The weekend has landed, even though every day at the moment feels like a weekend. It's a hard life...!
The mighty Holden blimp, constantly circling and being gyrated by the breeze, with it's monster screen projecting Holden advertising.
Bondi Beach, Sydney.
The grainy sun and sea bronzed sands of Palm Beach. With another 8 weeks minimum off work, you'll see more photos, with more time spent taking them. Hand update: 50% hand movement recovered, scaring looking all good, however putting some pressure on the tendons, restricting movement somewhat. Otherwise looking very positive.
The absolutly stunning Blue Mountains and the often admired 3 Sisters, middle left. The area is made up of seven outstanding national parks as well as the famous Jenolan Cave, Karst Conservation Reserves. These are the Blue Mountains National Park, Wollemi National Park, Yengo National Park, Nattai National Par, Kanangra-Boyd National Park, Gardens of Stone National Park and Thirlmere Lakes National Park.
On the set of Australia's popular Home and Away TV soap. Live on location on the shores of Pam Beach, North Sydney.
Peter Brock 1945 - 2006. Peace...
So the day before the big race has landed. The land of Holden and Ford wearing, beer laden bellies sagging over belts, stubbie shorts with feet bearing the obligatory jandel aussie bloke. It ain't the place for pink, hair dryers or high heels. This place is a sea of testosterone and bad breath. The V8 supporters pinnacle race of the year.
So we arrived in Sydney to a rather dull, cool and windy day. Bondi beach still abuzz with life from fitness freaks, playful youths and dedicated surfers. Although the grey skies deteriorate the full potential of the surrounding vista, it still holds the aura of forthcoming summer frolics!!
Just before I disappear, I thought I'd leave a parting gift. Since Spring has arrived, what better way to celebrate than with a beautiful beach, blue sky and a warm sea breeze! Sandy Bay, Northland, NZ. (Apologies to those creeping into Autumn!! hehe)
This is the fabulous and beautiful Megan, bringing a ray of sunshine into each and every day (gag Adrian gag!!!). We're off to Sydney first thing Friday morning. Heading to Bathurst for the V8 Supercars, Super Cheap Auto 1000. So will be offline till Tuesday, but should make up days lost with some images from our journey. So till then, have a wonderful weekend. Phil, see ya soon mate! Cheerio.
So the aftermath with all this is......this. I'm now off work for the foreseeable future (which is becoming a good thing), we were planning to be in Fiji in two weeks for a year with work, which now has been put back to the New Year or beyond (which isn't a bad thing) and I'm walking everywhere as I'm unable to drive (which is a fantastic thing). So when all is said and done, I've got a whole bunch of time on my 'hand.....s', spring has sprung and summer feels close with plenty of time away at various places planned. Sydney in 3 days to visit my lil sis and watch a bunch of metal driving around Mt Panorama, but best thing of all, I've got a beautiful woman in my life who's given me so much positivity and love that nothing else matters. A perfect soul has come at a perfect time and made me feel immensely happy. Thanks Megan. xxx
So, the bad news first.....
5 weeks ago today, I had a wee fight with a circular saw! As you can see from the image above, it took a liking to my left hand and mashed it to bits. Suffice to say, it wasn't good!! Median nerve severed along with 5 tendons (that's one of them, the white thread hanging out of the gash) to my fingers cut completly or left hanging by a thread. 5 weeks on, the wound is healed, the pain is gone and have limited feeling and movement through the most of my palm and fingers!! Physio twice a week and the notion that I wont be back to full strength till the new year!!! BUGGER!!! But, before you all get teary eyed, there are positives and lots of them. Those of which I will share tomorrow!.......
Hi ya'll. Well there has been a load of stuff go down in the last few months. Some really good, some really bad. But suffice to say, I,ve got a bit of time on me hands to throw some stuff up on the old blog. And what better time to do it than on the rising of Summer and the introduction of daylight savings. WELCOME!!! More to come, with all the news. Good and bad. Stay tuned!!!
And welcome my good friend Kat keeping up the Kiwi contingent in New York city. Catch her blog over here.